
Stocks About To Crash & Gold To Rise Strongly

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Jan 27, 2022 | 10836

Gold has consolidated for a sustained period and is about to break out on the upside. Once gold breaks out decisively above $1,900, the move up will be very powerful. For investors who stick to stock market investments, they are about to get a shock of a lifetime as the stock market bubble bursts.

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Fed Promises To Resume Rate Hikes - Volatility Returns

Published by Laurent Maurel | Jan 27, 2022 | 13365

If the rate hike that has been decided on turns into a bluff, inflation is likely to get out of control and that will have even more damaging consequences. It is urgent to break this inflationary spiral to avoid much more serious societal problems! This stalemate in which the Fed has settled bene...

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Why 2022 Will Be A Golden Year

Author Ronnie Stoeferle | Published by Matthew Piepenburg | Jan 24, 2022 | 12068

Ronald Stoeferle shares his 2022 outlook for gold. He specifically addresses legitimate concerns regarding gold’s relatively tame/disappointing price action in 2021 despite an otherwise gold-favorable setting of declining real rates and rising inflation. Ultimately, he sees the recent sideways mo...

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A Long List of Ignored Yet Obvious Risks Ahead

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Jan 22, 2022 | 3631

Because so many investors have been the direct beneficiaries of debt driven asset bubbles of unprecedented size (and hence risk), they have ignored otherwise clear warning signs. The current zero-to-negative returns in global sovereign bonds, for example, are just the latest symptoms of how ludic...

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Coming Market Madness Could Take 70 Years To Recover

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Jan 12, 2022 | 13511

Controlling the Fed has given the bankers an unlimited supply of money and credit to finance their activities. As is the general rule today, debt is never repaid since new debt always makes the old debt insignificant as the currency is constantly debased with all the new money issued. The upside...

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The Danger Of Letting Inflation Run Rife In Europe

Published by Laurent Maurel | Jan 12, 2022 | 16238

The reserves for the next rise in gold are certainly present in Germany and in other countries with high savings rates. At the same time, faced with this inflationary shock, we are witnessing the confidence that these savers have in the ECB being eroded a little more with each passing day. In tho...

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Irish Central Bank Added to Gold Reserves in November

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Jan 7, 2022 | 3327

The Irish central bank added 78 million euros ($88 million) to its gold reserves in November, data published this week showed. The purchases mean the institution has increased its holdings of the precious metal by more than three tons in three months, a 60% increase from the level maintained for...

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Why Is Inflation Here To Stay

Published by Philippe Herlin | Jan 6, 2022 | 16917

The leaders of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) have long promised us that their lax monetary policy would not lead to inflation, and that we should not worry, that it would be "transitory". They now concede that the transitional period could be prolonged, but co...

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