Gold: New Bull Or Same Old Bear?

Published by Gary Savage | Oct 1, 2018 | 11344

There are two schools of thought right now, and both sides are firmly convinced they are correct. The bullish case: Gold started a new cyclical bull market in late 2015. The bearish case: The bounce out of the 2015 bottom was just a counter trend bear market rally, and at best gold is stuck in a...

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Last Chance For The Dollar To Rally

Published by Gary Savage | Jul 23, 2017

The dollar rally out of the 2014 3 YCL has fooled everyone into thinking the dollar is strong and the euro is going to collapse. So everyone is now on the wrong side of the market. That’s pretty much how every bear market starts with everyone on the wrong side of the boat.

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Gold ICL Confirmed

Published by Gary Savage | Jul 3, 2017

The dollar will rally for 6-8 weeks while gold heads lower. Gold has decisively broken down through its 200 dma. Traders are in a bull market mentality and will try to buy gold’s dips until sentiment becomes bearish.

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