
WEEK IN REVIEW: March 16-22

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Mar 20, 2015

The Historical London Gold Fix Is Replaced by the LBMA Gold Price, Why Aren't These Investors Worried About The Gold Price?, Europeans Defy US to Join China-led Asian Investment Bank (AIIB), De-Dollarization Accelerates, Silver Poised to Surge, Fed Opens Door Wider For Rate Hike But Downgrades Ec...

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WEEK IN REVIEW: March 9-15

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Mar 14, 2015

Deutsche Bank (And Its €55 Trillion In Derivatives) Fails Fed's Stress Test, Three Catalysts for the Price of Gold, China's Plan for Winning the Currency Wars, Venezuela Discussing Gold Swap With Wall Street Banks, Trading the Parabolic Dollar, Market Crash in September 2015

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Published by Goldbroker ™ | Mar 7, 2015

Gold & Silver in South America, Backwardation and Currency Wars, First Implementation of Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive, Yuan: New World Currency?, Gold Apple Watch, Who Smashed Gold, Bundesbank Releases Short Film About Germany's Gold Reserves

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WEEK IN REVIEW: February 23-March 1

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Feb 28, 2015

Guillermo Barba: Gold & Silver from a Mexican Perspective, Alan Greenspan Likes Gold, US Investigating Major Banks for Rigging of Precious-Metals Markets, China Plans Yuan-Denominated Gold Fix In 2015, LBMA Paper Ponzi To Be Crushed, China Cuts Interest Rates, Gold and Debt: Astonishing Compariso...

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