Will the IMF Soon Be in Paris?

Published by Philippe Herlin | Jul 25, 2024 | 2672

France's image in the world is plummeting at a time when its budget deficit appears to be totally out of control, reaching the same level as at the time of the Covid crisis. Remember that half of France's public debt is held by foreign investors. Any significant lack of confidence would result in a...

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Record Gold Price, an Alert?

Published by Philippe Herlin | Dec 7, 2023 | 16750

The price of gold beats its record, both in dollars and euros. Bitcoin climbs, but remains far from its 2021 high. At the same time, the stock market is making some headway, and housing is more or less depressed across the globe. Something is going on. Aside from cyclical explanations (a slowdown in...

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Geopolitics and Economics: Back to the 1970s

Published by Philippe Herlin | Oct 12, 2023 | 12720

Fifty years to the day after the Yom Kippur War, the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel stunned the world with its brutality and suddenness. It was anticipated that this war would last longer than the previous one (less than twenty days, from October 6 to 25, 1973), with the threat of global repercuss...

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Is Inflation Boosted by Oil?

Published by Philippe Herlin | Sep 28, 2023 | 11408

The ECB has just raised its deposit rate to 4% and halted its sovereign debt repurchases, with the stated aim of stamping out inflation. Unfortunately, this will probably have little effect, as oil prices are slowly but surely climbing.

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Inflation has Become a Geopolitical Issue

Published by Philippe Herlin | Aug 17, 2023 | 13409

From being a purely economic variable, inflation will also become a geopolitical issue through the Russia/NATO war, de-dollarization and an increasingly multipolar world. It's vital to be aware of this and to act globally, otherwise things are going to end very badly, especially for Europeans.

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SVB, Eurovita: The Global Bond Crisis Begins

Published by Philippe Herlin | Mar 16, 2023 | 20701

The bankruptcies of Eurovita and SVB, while waiting for the next ones, are linked to a bond crisis. It is not a question of fraud (FTX, Madoff), toxic assets (subprimes), or adventurous management (LTCM in 1998). No, the problem is the huge bundle of sovereign bonds that form the basis of the balanc...

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