ECB: The Ongoing Headlong Rush

Published by Philippe Herlin | Sep 16, 2019 | 35464

Mario Draghi decided before handing off to Christine Lagarde on November 1: the QE will be relaunched! Quantitative easing, the sovereign debt buyback of eurozone countries, will restart at €20 billion per month, "for as long as necessary", he announced on September 12th at a press conference.

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Will Italian Mini-BOTs Kill The Euro?

Published by Philippe Herlin | Jun 13, 2019 | 17457

The Italian Parliament voted for a motion to create "mini-BOTs", i.e. ordinary Treasury bills of low unit amount, the level of a banknote, to be able to be used routinely. They would not offer interest and would have no maturity, which would assimilate them to traditional currencies.

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