Alan Greenspan Says QE Failed and Recommends Buying Gold
Alan Greenspan says the Fed's bond-buying program fell short of its goals and recommends buying gold
Read articleAlan Greenspan says the Fed's bond-buying program fell short of its goals and recommends buying gold
Read articleUS Federal Reserve Bank Gold Stocks. Showcasing the Foreign Earmarked Gold & the recent decline in the stocks - presumably heading to Germany.
Read articleLast Sunday, the European Central Bank announced its verdict on the stress tests it has been conducting for several months and, this time around, quite a few banks have failed them.
Read articleIf you say "No" to the Swiss Gold Initiative referendum on november 30, these will be the consequences
Read articleThe Fed bankers must be really upset: They haven’t even started to raise their base rate and markets are already in panic mode with the expected end to QE 3, just like junkies being told they might have to go into detox. The truth is that economic recovery is so fragile that it can’t go without m...
Read articleCentral Bank Gold Agreements (CBGA), total gold sales, all signatories
Read articleWe can’t speak about the manipulation of the gold price today without understanding the derivatives market. Right after the crash of 2000 in the stock market I became alarmed by the exponential increase of derivative products but especially by the complexity of those products.
Read articleChris Powell has covered many aspects of the Western gold price suppression scheme last week on "The Larry Parks Show," broadcast on the Manhattan Neighborhood Network in New York.
Read articleCentral banks have kept silent about this but it’s hard to believe that manipulating the foreign exchange market isn’t part of their policies; it’s probably also part of their new strategy.
Read articleAn unexpected precipitating event like a black swan event in this uncertain environment will push gold and silver up with a quantum leap with gold leading. The geopolitical and economic environment in the last few months was in my view the calm before the storm.
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