Precious Metals: The Time of Consolidation
Precious metals are set to rise much higher, but after the sharp rise in recent months, a correction is needed and probably imminent.
Read articlePrecious metals are set to rise much higher, but after the sharp rise in recent months, a correction is needed and probably imminent.
Read articleIn this interview, Brian & Darryl Panes from As Good As Gold Australia speak with Egon von Greyerz who confirms the world is running on empty. Governments and Central Banks are panicking, having used up all their arsenal – massive money printing and hyperinflation lies ahead.
Read articleExpressed in euros, the price of an ounce of gold surpassed its historic record from October 4, 2012 (€ 1380). We are in Europe: prices, our salaries and our savings are denominated in euros, so it is the price of gold in euros that must be taken into account. So how do you explain this gold fever?
Read articleThe world is now standing before a seminal moment and virtually nobody can see it. There has not been a more critical moment in the last 50 years than what we are now facing.
Read articleIn this interview Max Keiser and Egon von Greyerz discuss the enormous pressures in the financial system and the coming stampede into gold.
Read articleBonds cost money to hold, currencies are soon worth nothing and gold will reach at least $7,000 before it reaches $700.
Read articleIn my recent articles I have stressed the urgency of getting out of bubble assets like stocks and bonds and to own physical metals. I see the next phase in markets starting very soon, whether that is in a few days or a few weeks. Next phase means stock market crash and precious metals surge.
Read articleChristine Lagarde was appointed President of the European Central Bank (ECB) on July 2, replacing Mario Draghi. But what can we really expect from the former IMF President, who never headed a central bank, unlike her predecessors?
Read articleWith the economy as mismanaged as it is today, the government does all the work for us by unlimited money printing and credit expansion. And that work will now accelerate. So all we need to do is to ride the government wave of destruction. Gold will continue to reveal how badly governments are do...
Read articleThis third leg up should bring a virtually continuous rise to about $ 19.5 in October. After a quick consolidation to $ 17, silver will resume its rise to its first goal, which is $ 21.
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