Europe, Heading for Inevitable Decline?

Published by Julien Chevalier | Sep 24, 2024 | 6929

The recent report by Mario Draghi, faithful architect of the European project, has the bold quality of reminding European nations of the economic decline they have been experiencing for over twenty years. But the problem arises when the former ECB President presents the measures to be adopted, pa...

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Are Financial Markets Facing a Stock Market Crash?

Published by Julien Chevalier | Aug 13, 2024 | 16098

In just a few days, the global financial system found itself in deep trouble. Summer's calm and carefree mood almost made us forget that the global economy has been on a razor's edge for years. In just three weeks, over $6 trillion in stock market value has evaporated, despite the lull of recent...

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Brexit: A Mixed Initial Assessment

Published by Julien Chevalier | Jul 17, 2024 | 6975

Taking stock of Brexit also means recalling the historical events of the past few years. The poor economic results are in fact as much attributable to Brexit as to the many recent crises, ranging from the health crisis to the Ukrainian-Russian war and geopolitical tensions around the world.

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The US Economy and The Illusion of Stability

Published by Julien Chevalier | Jun 11, 2024 | 7653

For over half a century, the United States has surpassed the United Kingdom as the leading international power. Its military and monetary strength, the first two of a hegemonic country, remain unrivalled. The Biden administration seeks to maintain this superpower, but the world is changing.

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Gold vs. Debt Money

Published by Julien Chevalier | May 21, 2024 | 10357

Money, as a medium of exchange, has existed throughout human history in many different forms. For centuries, there has been a constant tension between those who advocate hard, metallic money and those who defend credit money or debt money.

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Central Banks' Gold Rush Intensifies

Published by Julien Chevalier | Mar 26, 2024 | 18635

Gold is attracting growing interest in an international environment marked by multiple challenges and a climate of permanent uncertainty. Progressive de-globalization and contemporary societal aspirations also accentuate the importance of an independent asset, subject to no authority.

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International Growth: The New Asian Dragons

Published by Julien Chevalier | Mar 18, 2024 | 11402

As the world changes, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia (all members of ASEAN) are differentiating themselves. Formerly known as the "Asian Tigers", these four countries are experiencing a veritable economic expansion, and have strong growth levers at their disposal, despite the re...

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A Brief History of Gold and the World Economy

Published by Julien Chevalier | Feb 21, 2024 | 15795

The history of gold spans several millennia and the entire globe. The cornerstone of civilizations, used as a medium of exchange and then as a standard, gold as a currency helped create trust between individuals. As the heart of the global economy shifted, so did the world's gold reserves.

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The Never-Ending Crisis of U.S. Regional Banks

Published by Julien Chevalier | Feb 6, 2024 | 13610

The banking crisis of spring 2023 was marked, first and foremost, by the failure of three US regional banks. These types of banks, which are all the more vulnerable to market conditions and are not systemic, are still experiencing financial difficulties that could lead to further bankruptcies.

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The New Creditors of Developing Countries

Published by Julien Chevalier | Jan 30, 2024 | 11725

For over half a century, Western financial institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank have played a decisive role in financing developing countries. Growing hostility to these institutions, and the structural reforms they require, have gradually enabled other states and organizations to asse...

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The Interest Rate Revolution

Published by Julien Chevalier | Dec 12, 2023 | 12763

The interest rate hikes implemented by central banks since the resurgence of inflation have appeared to be the norm. However, it is a revolution in the making. After decades of falling rates, they are now rising sharply, raising fears of unprecedented financial and economic risks.

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Economic Outlook on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Published by Julien Chevalier | Nov 1, 2023 | 13105

Escalating geopolitical tensions and the risk of aggravation in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are adding new challenges to a fragmented world. The international economic and financial system can only emerge from this situation weaker, as inflation persists and growth remains wea...

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Central Banks and Inflation: Where Are We Headed?

Published by Julien Chevalier | Oct 3, 2023 | 14300

As central banks continue their headlong rush to the top, they are faced with a Cornelian dilemma: bring inflation down to 2% at the risk of triggering an unprecedented economic and financial crisis, or allow prices to rise, which would call into question their mandate and lead to social upheaval.

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A Brief History of the Gold Rush

Published by Julien Chevalier | Sep 19, 2023 | 17670

Some people know the story of the Gold Rush from the Charlie Chaplin film, others from TV shows or books of all kinds. At the very least, historians consider this period to be one of the most significant of the 19th century. Both fascinating and structuring, it is particularly revealing of Americ...

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