Why Russia Is On A Gold Buying Spree
According to central bank data, Russia's gold reserves rose to 40.1 million troy ounces as of May 1 compared with 39.8 million ounces a month earlier.
Read articleAccording to central bank data, Russia's gold reserves rose to 40.1 million troy ounces as of May 1 compared with 39.8 million ounces a month earlier.
Read articleRussia and China are setting the stage for a gold-backed currency, in preparation for the day the Dollar reserve hegemony finally ends.
Read articleChina could shock the world when it announces its gold reserves. Any amount above 8,000 tonnes will be a shock in the central bank community and the gold market. Why is China accumulating so much gold? Why is China encouraging its citizens so hard to buy gold?
Read articleBe it that we are now seeing a top in stocks & a low in gold then I postulate that the Dow/Gold ratio now has the potential to run down to new lows in a similar fashion to 1977-1980.
Read articleGold has been and still is a de facto currency of last resort. When everything else fails gold shines again. In addition, both China and Russia are preparing themselves for the possible collapse of the present monetary system by buying as much gold as possible.
Read articleEven though Switzerland is a very small country it plays a major role in the gold and foreign exchange markets and can create a shock with a very large impact that some call loosely a “black swan” event.
Read articleThe People's Bank of China may have tripled its gold stockpile since April 2009, when it last gave an official number, which Bloomberg Intelligence estimates to be 3,510 metric tons, second to United States 8,133.5 tons of gold.
Read articleInterview with David Morgan (The Morgan Report - Silver-investor.com) on silver and its relation to gold
Read articleMax Keiser interviews Egon von Greyerz about capital controls in France, QE, gold and the economic and financial disasters wrought by central banks.
Read articleIndia’s official gold imports in 2014-15 stood at 900 tonnes — 36% higher than the previous year’s 665 tonnes, indicating households’ strong preference for the yellow metal as a savings option.
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