Gold: A Central Money That Doesn't Say Its Name

Published by Thomas Andrieu | Jul 30, 2024 | 11100

Is gold still the foundation of our monetary system? This question is worth asking as central banks accumulate record quantities of the golden metal. In fact, a detailed study of central bank gold inventories reveals a certain consistency in the monetary strategy of most countries.

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5 Reasons For A New Gold Playbook

Author Ronnie Stoeferle | Published by Goldbroker ™ | Jul 25, 2024 | 2373

The collapse of the correlation between the gold price and real interest rates raises many questions. In the old paradigm, it was unthinkable that the gold price would trend firmer during a phase of sharply rising real interest rates. Gold and gold investors are now entering terra incognita.

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Investment in the Gold Sector on the Rise Again

Published by Laurent Maurel | Jul 12, 2024 | 10340

Gold will probably continue to rise until ETF outstandings reach their highest levels, which is still a long way off. Especially as demand for physical gold remains very strong. Despite the high price of an ounce of gold, central banks continue to buy precious metals on a massive scale.

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A New Gold Rush

Published by Otavio Costa | Jun 19, 2024 | 10308

Tavi Costa emphasizes the importance of identifying macroeconomic trends, particularly the growing shift towards hard assets like gold amidst global inflationary pressures and geopolitical changes. He points out the rising demand for commodities like copper and the underinvestment in precious metals...

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