Financial crisis

Europe - Bank Default: Deposits No Longer Insured

Published by Philippe Herlin | Sep 18, 2015

From now on, when a European bank goes bankrupt, the shareholders shall be the first to foot the bill (makes sense), then the holders of bonds issued by the bank (also makes sense) will be next in line, and if this isn’t enough, the bank will be allowed to use the money in their clients’ accounts...

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The Shanghai Crash Signals More Turmoil Ahead

Published by Philippe Herlin | Aug 27, 2015

The veil is being ripped... the Shanghai stock market crash reveals what the global financial markets would not dare admit: Chinese growth has vanished. Everyone was trying to believe that the official rate of 7% was real, that we could pin our hopes on it, that it would be the engine of the glob...

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Gold – One World Two Markets

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Aug 17, 2015

The world is now at tipping point and this coming autumn we are likely to see the beginning of what I in an 2009 article described as “The Dark Years Are Here”. We are not just going to experience another correction, giving investors yet a chance to buy the dips in a never ending bullm...

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