Hyperinflation Is Nigh So Gold Will Go High
This coming autumn, we are likely to see the beginning of the hyperinflationary phase of the sovereign debt crisis.
Read articleThis coming autumn, we are likely to see the beginning of the hyperinflationary phase of the sovereign debt crisis.
Read articleIn spite of the manipulation of gold and gold stocks, gold will always over time reveal the truth. And the truth is that the massively inflated US stock market is underperforming in real terms in spite of making new highs.
Read articleReal GOLD versus Pokémon GO? That’s a simple choice for most people because shortly after launch there are already more than 30 million users of the game Pokémon GO (PG). Gold has not for a long time attracted the same interest but that is likely to change in the next few months and years.
Read articleCentral banks have led the world on a course that could only have one result. And sadly, I believe that we are now very near the beginning of a disaster that will have a bigger impact on mankind than any war, disease or depression that the world has ever experienced.
Read articleInvestors globally have never faced risk of the magnitude that the we are now exposed to. But sadly very few are aware of the unprecedented risks the world is facing.
Read articleI was very pleased to welcome Jim Rickards to Zurich very recently. In this important 16 minutes video, recorded in a Swiss vault, Jim and I cover many vital factors that investors must be aware of to protect themselves against the major risks in the financial system. Among the topics covered a...
Read articleIt is no surprise that both commercial and central banks hate gold. Because gold reveals the total mismanagement of the economy and the deceitful actions that the bankers take.
Read articleThere is now a very high likelihood that a major secular decline in the world economy will now start to unravel. The next few weeks and months are likely to be a lot worse than the 2007-9 crisis.
Read articleGold at $1,300 and silver at $18 is a bargain. But the metals will not stay at these low levels for very long.
Read articleMarket observers are totally ignoring the real figures and the long term trends and are instead focusing on what the Fed will do.
Read articleMost people believe that the era we live in is totally normal. This is the case whether you live in a war-zone or in “Shangri-La”. It is the same with the economy. Everybody in the West today believes that stocks always go up and that property grows to the sky and that government bonds are the sa...
Read articleOne of the biggest bubbles that would clearly bring down the financial system is the bond market. Here we have a $100 trillion market which has grown exponentially in the last 25 years and which has virtually gone vertical since the 2006-9 crisis.
Read articleBoth Ponzi and Madoff were small time crooks compared to governments and central banks today. Because whether we take, Japan, China, the EU or the USA, they have all created Ponzi schemes which are exponentially bigger than what Ponzi did.
Read articleNegative yields are supposed to stimulate a deflationary global economy and also save bankrupt nations which can’t afford to pay a market interest rate on their exploding debts. But as usual, the central bankers have got it wrong again.
Read articleInvestors around the world are blissfully ignorant of what will hit them in coming months and years. Virtually no one understands the risks in the world and less than ½% of investors have protected themselves against the destruction of their financial assets.
Read articleThe downturn will soon start to accelerate and eventually lead to a total failure of the financial system and sovereign defaults
Read articleAs the dollar fall accelerates, together with other currencies, it will only be a matter of time before investor’s money will be blocked by the bank.
Read articleIn a world of manipulated economic figures and markets, it is not always easy to maintain your sanity. The world economy is now based on fantasy and hope and has very little to do with reality. But the problem is that virtually nobody understands this. Whether it is a bank analyst or a Nobel Priz...
Read articleFor anyone who has money in the bank today, it is virtually guaranteed that in the next 5-7 years either the bank will be gone or the money will be worthless, or probably both.
Read articleGold is in a hurry and is unlikely to wait for investors to acquire it at anywhere near these prices. We could now see a quick move to $1,400 and if gold doesn’t stay too long at that level, the acceleration is likely to continue towards the previous high of $1,900.
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