Nothing Is Real In Markets: We Are Seeing a Sucker’s Rally In Stocks
Egon von Greyerz told that when it comes to markets, “... nothing is real.” He also believes we are seeing a sucker’s rally in stocks.
Read articleEgon von Greyerz told that when it comes to markets, “... nothing is real.” He also believes we are seeing a sucker’s rally in stocks.
Read articleA currency system must be based on an indisputable money base that doesn’t bear the mark of one country. There is only one standard that meets those criteria and that must be gold.
Read articleSome investors are disappointed as gold only went up 7% in USD in 2012. After having compounded at over 19% p.a. over 11 years, gold certainly should be allowed to just gain 7% without some people calling an end to the bull market.
Read articleEgon von Greyerz told that Swiss gold refiners have been overwhelmed with orders for physical gold and buyers are now experiencing major delays in deliveries.
Read articleAlthough gold (and silver) didn’t go up in the last couple of days, it is absolutely guaranteed that the continued destruction of paper money will lead to substantially higher prices in the precious metals
Read articleThe fundamental and technical picture could not be better for gold and silver. Most governments’ deficits are escalating at a fast rate. Money printing worldwide is likely to accelerate rapidly and could reach exponential rises in the next 1-3 years.
Read articleThe case for gold as the ultimate wealth preservation investment is irrefutable. Whilst paper money and all assets that were financed by the credit bubble will collapse in real terms, gold will continue to represent stable purchasing power as it has done during 5,000 years.
Read articleEgon von Greyerz said that it's not the gold price that is going up, but rather the fiat currencies that are constantly losing their purchasing power
Read articleEgon von Greyerz think we are going to see a turn in the world economic situation. Gold is the only way to preserve your wealth and your purchasing power
Read articlehe real increase in the price of gold is to come according to Egon von Greyerz. It states that the price of gold adjusted for inflation since 1980 is expected to be around $ 7000 per ounce
Read articleEgon von Greyerz published a commentary headlined "Disregard current manipulation of precious metals"
Read articleWorldwide money printing continues unabated. The only asset that will maintain its purchasing power is gold
Read articleMost people don’t even understand that their government makes their money worthless.In the last 10 years the dollar has declined by 79% against gold.
Read articleFundamental and technical factors for gold are now in total harmony and gold is entering a virtuous circle that will drive the price up at its fastest pace since this bull market started in 1999.
Read articleThus both in a deflationary and inflationary scenario gold is essential wealth protection.
Read articleIn this Market Report we will outline what is likely to be the devastating effect of the credit bubbles, government money printing and of the disastrous actions that governments are taking
Read articleNow is the last major opportunity to acquire gold under $1,000 in order to protect yourself against capital destruction by money printing governments worldwide
Read articleThat is the state of the world’s financial system today and that is why you need to protect yourselves.
Read articleVirtually all currencies show similar declines in value against gold in the last 100 years. This is the clearest evidence of governments and central banks defrauding their people of their hard earned money.
Read articleEra of the dollar as a reserve currency is coming to an end soon and the strongest and safest currency is gold
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