The Paper Silver Market is 250 Times the Size of the Physical Silver Market
The size of the physical silver market is of $20 billion, whereas Bloomberg is mentioning $5 trillion.
Read articleThe size of the physical silver market is of $20 billion, whereas Bloomberg is mentioning $5 trillion.
Read articleA new signal, this time coming from large corporations distancing themselves from White House political decisions, that sanctions against Russia are ineffective : Exxon and BP are maintaining their partnership with Russia.
Read articleThese last few months have brought confirmation of an acceleration in geo-political and macro-economic events, and they all have mid-term implications for the precious metals markets and, more globally, on the future of the international monetary system.
Read articleThe mechanism used to determine the price of gold and silver, the London fix, is under pressure and China, of course, wants to take advantage of this situation to have more to say on the way precious metals prices should be determined in the future.
Read articleFabrice Drouin Ristori interviews silver market expert David Morgan about the silver price manipulation, the coming big reset of the international monetary system and the financial markets
Read articleRisk is high, in any case, for any deposit above 100,000 euros. Let’s not forget that, in French law, banks wield much power. In particular, titles owned by their client are not entirely theirs : banks consider themselves to be the real owners of said titles. In case of forced selling, the bank c...
Read articleIn this interview with Jesse, we discuss the issues at the very centre of the gold market today : COMEX/LBMA manipulation, default event and how investors should react to the long correction in precious metals.
Read articleInterview of James Rickards by Fabrice Drouin Ristori about central bank manipulation of gold and silver markets. The signs that the manipulation is coming to an end will include depletion of warehouses, price spikes and notifications from banks that they will no longer allow the conversion of go...
Read articleFed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s decision to go ahead with unabated quantitative easing (QE) seems to have taken many by surprise. To such an extent that, from now on, the major market participants are saying they have totally lost faith in Ben Bernanke. True, Ben Bernanke has been saying constantly,...
Read articleThe Gold manipulation will continue until the Gold market is totally broken, until the big banks that control it are totally broken, or until the USDollar & USTBond structures are totally broken.
Read articleMish, you write a lot of commentaries about the European economic crisis, going from bad to worse. For instance Portuguese Bond Yield Spiked to 8%, How do you see the European situation evolve in the coming months Do you expect more bail-ins in the Eurozone?
Read articleHow long can the manipulation of the precious metal markets last ? Chris Powell (GATA) speaks about the rather obvious price manipulation occurring in the gold and silver markets
Read articleThe US Mint has just announced it would stop selling 1/10oz gold coins. The disconnect between « paper » gold and physical gold is nearing its terminal phase.
Read articleThis crash on the gold and silver markets is orchestrated, and it doesn’t reflect the extremely tense situation on the physical gold and silver markets
Read articleAs the Troika’s (IMF, ECB, EU) decision to tax Cypriot depositors has started a generalised panic movement among European savers, the Fed is, at the same time, orchestrating a downward manipulation of gold and silver spot prices in order to maintain trust in the dollar and, more globally, in the...
Read articleThe gold prices are again under pressure. Another attack without any fundamental logic is happening on the paper markets for gold and silver, markets that have become unreal and fictitious
Read articleVenezuelans have just been experimenting one of the risks associated with paper money. Actually, they just lost 46% of their purchasing power in a single day
Read articleThe correction in gold prices in December doesn’t seem to have scared China, since it imported a record amount of physical gold in that month.
Read articleThe delivery requests from the COMEX for the month of February are reaching the astronomical amount of 43,26 tons of physical gold, or 1,391,000 ounces of gold to deliver.
Read articleSo, how do you hold gold ? In a mutualized account ? Do you really have access to your gold ? Can you touch it ? Do you know the exact serial number of your ingots ?
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