
Is the US Dollar in a New Major Bull Market?

Published by Dan Popescu | Nov 4, 2014

All of a sudden, with the illusion of the end of QE, there is a strong belief that things have changed for the best for the U.S. and, more specifically, for the US dollar. All of a sudden, the US debt is gone and the deficit problem is almost solved with shale oil.

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End of QE3 and First Signs of Panic

Published by Léonard Sartoni | Oct 20, 2014

The Fed bankers must be really upset: They haven’t even started to raise their base rate and markets are already in panic mode with the expected end to QE 3, just like junkies being told they might have to go into detox. The truth is that economic recovery is so fragile that it can’t go without m...

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How Much Gold is on Loan Worldwide?

Published by Dan Popescu | Oct 13, 2014

We can’t speak about the manipulation of the gold price today without understanding the derivatives market. Right after the crash of 2000 in the stock market I became alarmed by the exponential increase of derivative products but especially by the complexity of those products.

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