May Jobs Report: Odds of a June Hike Slashed
The May jobs report brought bad news today as it was announced that far fewer jobs were added to the United States economy than expected.
Read articleThe May jobs report brought bad news today as it was announced that far fewer jobs were added to the United States economy than expected.
Read articleSeveral months ago, as Venezuela's hyperinflating, imploding economy was spinning in freefall, leading to the dramatic episodes of total social collapse such as those profiled in "Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse: "Countless Wounded" After 5,000 Loot Supermarket Looking For Food", we wrote th...
Read articleGold is becoming more and more acceptable in the investment community and especially since interest rates have approached zero and in some countries even gone negative.
Read articleWhy Gold Is A Better Investment Than Apple
Read articleBoth Ponzi and Madoff were small time crooks compared to governments and central banks today. Because whether we take, Japan, China, the EU or the USA, they have all created Ponzi schemes which are exponentially bigger than what Ponzi did.
Read articleWe have followed the ownership changes of London's massive vaults with keen interest ever since our December 2014 article when we reported that Deutsche Bank's gold vaule was for sale in "Massive 1,500 Ton Gold Vault For Sale In The Heart Of London, One Previous Owner, Asking £4,500,000 O.B.O." T...
Read articleIn the United States the Fed just allowed a defaulting bank to keep its clients’ collateral.
Read articleNegative yields are supposed to stimulate a deflationary global economy and also save bankrupt nations which can’t afford to pay a market interest rate on their exploding debts. But as usual, the central bankers have got it wrong again.
Read articleInvestors around the world are blissfully ignorant of what will hit them in coming months and years. Virtually no one understands the risks in the world and less than ½% of investors have protected themselves against the destruction of their financial assets.
Read articleToday in this negative interest rate environment you should be more concerned about the return of your money, than the return on your money.
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