
Trump Has Won! What to Make of It?

Published by Philippe Herlin | Nov 10, 2016

The earthquake has happened: Donald Trump is president-elect of the United States of America. Quite an enormous “black swan”! What should we expect now? On the one hand, Trump’s victory seems like a formidable denial of the economic lies being spread since the 2008 financial crisis: no, unemploym...

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Gold and Deflation

Published by Dan Popescu | Oct 25, 2016

In a hyperinflationary period gold will reflect the devaluation of paper/electronic money while in a deflationary period it will reflect the collapse of the banking system and people will resort to gold as in extremis money again.

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The Current Gold Price Is A Gift

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Oct 13, 2016

Today, we might be standing at another historical peak in the global economy. There are certainly many similarities like deficits, debts and decadence. Just like the Roman Emperors, current leaders have illusions of grandeur of a magnitude that the world has never seen before.

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