Final Currency Debasement to Zero Has Started
Fake money has created a totally uneven playing field for most ordinary people.
Read articleFake money has created a totally uneven playing field for most ordinary people.
Read articleTo understand why the somewhat cliche 10% gold investment allocation mantra may be somewhat misleading today, some historical context is required.
Read articleOver the last 150 years, the West has gone from human slavery to debt slavery.
Read articleThe trillions of dollars, euro, yens, Yuan etc. created by the central banks since the 2008 crisis haven’t triggered any wave of inflation, contrary to what history has been teaching thus far. But should we underestimate the risk? Of course not.
Read articleIn the next 3-5 years most asset classes, be it stocks, bonds or property or just currencies are likely to lose 75% to 99% against gold and silver. Certainly not a risk worth taking.
Read articleIt is not only paper gold which is Fake. Few investors realise that most of their investments are Fake.
Read articleLet me be absolutely clear: - we are now at the threshold of a barnburner rally in the Precious Metals sector, and silver is set to scream higher driven by a massive short covering panic.
Read articleThe dollar rally out of the 2014 3 YCL has fooled everyone into thinking the dollar is strong and the euro is going to collapse. So everyone is now on the wrong side of the market. That’s pretty much how every bear market starts with everyone on the wrong side of the boat.
Read articleIncredibly, most investors see no danger in stocks, bonds, property and debt being at historcal highs. This is the most lethal concoction of bubbles that has ever existed in history. Of course, bubbles can expand further before they implode.
Read articleThe gold rally that began on Dec. 15, 2016, is poised to continue despite the trauma of the flash crash. The crash represents a gift to investors. We now have a better entry point for what will still be much higher gold prices later this year.
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