Why Gold Is Still The Best Basis For Money

Author Nathan Lewis | Published by Or.fr ™ | Mar 18, 2019 | 20136

Economies work best when currencies are stable in value. Once we know what the goal is, we then look for a way to achieve it; and the best way has always been to base a currency on gold. Nobody has found a better way, even in the form of a proposal; and nobody has ever needed to find a better way...

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China's Gold-Buying Spree Extends To Third Month

Published by Or.fr ™ | Mar 11, 2019 | 14659

After China's official gold reserves rose for the first time in around two years (since Oct 2016) in December, Beijing appears to have joined the global gold rush, increasing its gold reserves for the third month in a row in February to 60.26 million ounces.

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The Relevance Of Gold As A Strategic Asset

Author World Gold Council | Published by Or.fr ™ | Feb 6, 2019 | 14165

Gold is a highly liquid yet scarce asset, and it is no one’s liability. It is bought as a luxury good as much as an investment. As such, gold can play four fundamental roles in a portfolio: a source of long-term returns, a diversifier that can mitigate losses in times of market stress, a liquid a...

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