
WEEK IN REVIEW: April 6-12

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Apr 11, 2015

David Morgan: Silver and Its Relation to Gold, Next Global Financial Disaster Is Coming, Gold-Futures Short Covering, The Coming Gold Rush, China Gold Reserves Rise to Threatening Level, Top 20 Gold Consumers, Jamie Dimon (Ceo Jp Morgan) : 'There Will Be Another Crisis'

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WEEK IN REVIEW: March 30-April 5

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Apr 3, 2015

Cash Is Not A Very Convenient Store Of Value, Peak Gold' in 2015?, Max Keiser interviews Egon von Greyerz, Will Gold Win Out Against the US Dollar?, Gold In Fed Vault Drops Under 6,000 Tons, Greece Said To Prepare "Grexit", How Financial Repression Flattens Your Savings

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How Financial Repression Flattens Your Savings

Published by Philippe Herlin | Apr 2, 2015

“Financial repression” destroys the economy from within. When an over-indebted country is unable to reduce its deficit (or refuses to do it in order to continue financing its voting constituency) it exposes itself to market defiance and fleeing investors. In spite of that, in order to avoid this...

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WEEK IN REVIEW: March 16-22

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Mar 20, 2015

The Historical London Gold Fix Is Replaced by the LBMA Gold Price, Why Aren't These Investors Worried About The Gold Price?, Europeans Defy US to Join China-led Asian Investment Bank (AIIB), De-Dollarization Accelerates, Silver Poised to Surge, Fed Opens Door Wider For Rate Hike But Downgrades Ec...

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WEEK IN REVIEW: March 9-15

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Mar 14, 2015

Deutsche Bank (And Its €55 Trillion In Derivatives) Fails Fed's Stress Test, Three Catalysts for the Price of Gold, China's Plan for Winning the Currency Wars, Venezuela Discussing Gold Swap With Wall Street Banks, Trading the Parabolic Dollar, Market Crash in September 2015

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