
Was Gold in a Speculative Bubble?

Published by Dan Popescu | Feb 24, 2014

The bull market in gold and silver that started in 2000 seems to have ended in 2011, and a bear market started in 2013. Was gold in a speculative bubble such as we’ve known in the ‘70s, or was it only in a cyclical bull market, itself part of a secular bull market, that would lead later (2014-2016)...

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The Gold/Silver Ratio, Physical Gold is the Safest Asset, Crisis in Emerging Countries, Precious Metals Manipulation Worse Than Libor, Huge Short Squeeze Could Spike Gold

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Jan 31, 2014

The Gold/Silver Ratio - Gold, Silver, and their Relationship; Gold Wars; Physical Gold, the Safest Asset in an Unsafe World; Crisis in Emerging Countries : After So-Called Global Recovery, Back to Harsh Reality; Argentina Gold Going Crazy; Precious Metals Manipulation Worse Than Libor, Bafin Says; C...

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