
Why a Gold Standard?

Published by Dan Popescu | Sep 21, 2015

  In this article I want to approach the idea of a gold standard from a more “regular people” perspective rather than from a “high academic” economic/finance and, sometimes, legalistic perspective. I constantly read books and articles full of mathematics written by the economic academia,...

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Europe - Bank Default: Deposits No Longer Insured

Published by Philippe Herlin | Sep 18, 2015

From now on, when a European bank goes bankrupt, the shareholders shall be the first to foot the bill (makes sense), then the holders of bonds issued by the bank (also makes sense) will be next in line, and if this isn’t enough, the bank will be allowed to use the money in their clients’ accounts di...

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Is This the Start of India's Gold Confiscation?

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Sep 10, 2015

On April 5, 1933, FDR signed Executive order 6102 which made illegal "the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States" in the process criminalizing the possession of monetary gold by any individual or corporation. This was de facto gold confisca...

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Something Just Snapped At The Comex

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Sep 9, 2015

Update: Earlier today, we said that we would "keep a close eye on today's Comex update to see if JPM reverses this "adjustment" and adds at least a few more tons of deliverable gold to its vault." Moments ago we got the daily update form the Comex and not only did JPM not reverse...

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WEEK IN REVIEW: August 31-September 6

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Sep 4, 2015

Philippe Herlin: Owning Physical Gold Is A Necessity, Exorbitant Privilege: "The Dollar Is Our Currency But Your Problem", Central Bank Precious Metals Supply Evaporates, Gold 'Claims per Ounce' Spikes Back up to 126:1, Gold in Fed-Rate-Hike Cycles, Why are Foreign Countries Repatriating Gold From U...

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