
Silver: The Road Towards $31

Published by Cyrille Jubert | Oct 7, 2019 | 16068

Since 2011, it had been verified, month after month, that the bullion bank’s trading software for silver is based on the Fibonacci’s fan. Each time that one of this fan coming from the 2011’s high is broken by the price going upwards, silver cannot mount durably if there is not a pull-back on it, to...

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ECB: The Ongoing Headlong Rush

Published by Philippe Herlin | Sep 16, 2019 | 34457

Mario Draghi decided before handing off to Christine Lagarde on November 1: the QE will be relaunched! Quantitative easing, the sovereign debt buyback of eurozone countries, will restart at €20 billion per month, "for as long as necessary", he announced on September 12th at a press conference.

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