
Gold and Financial Survival in the 2020s

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Jan 10, 2020 | 28488

Whether the global economy will turn down early in 2020 or the euphoria will continue for a while is irrelevant. What we do know is that risk is at a maximum and therefore it is absolutely critical to protect your wealth. Throughout history physical gold has acted as the best financial risk insuranc...

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The Caracas Syndrome

Published by Cyrille Jubert | Jan 8, 2020 | 28458

If I’m talking about Caracas, it’s to draw a parallel with Wall Street. In Venezuela, the stock market goes up because the currency devalues... The same is true in New York.

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The Worst Global Depression Is Nigh

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Dec 30, 2019 | 32645

2020 seems to be the very early beginnings of the worst global depression that the world has ever experienced. It will be devastating for everybody. We can all prepare financially by holding some physical gold and silver which is the best insurance anyone can buy against what is coming.

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Sell the Nasdaq and Buy Gold

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Dec 9, 2019 | 25591

When stock markets fall, precious metals will continue their secular bull market which initially started in 1971 with the last leg starting in 2000. Anyone doubting that we are in a bull market needs to look at the annual charts of gold in US dollars and Euros.

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