
Crisis Accelerates, Why Gold is Set for a Rally, Created Currencies are not Gold, Silver vs. Fiat Currencies, ECB Is Pursuing the Same Policy As the Fed, COMEX Gold Inventories, China’s Hunger for Gold

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Oct 11, 2013

Governments Will Start Panicking As Chaos & Crisis Accelerates, Why Gold is Set for a Rally, Created Currencies are not Gold, Silver vs. Fiat Currencies & The Debt Ceiling Delusion, LTRO = QE, or How the ECB Is Pursuing the Same Policy As the Fed, COMEX Gold Inventories, China’s Hunger for Gold Trig...

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Bernanke’s « Syrian Moment », Why Uncle Sam is Hoarding Gold, Fed Will Never End QE, The Mass Exodus of Gold Bullion, Fighting for a Fair Game in the Gold Market

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Oct 4, 2013

Bernanke’s « Syrian Moment », Why Uncle Sam is Hoarding Gold, Fed Will Never End QE, The Mass Exodus of Gold Bullion, Fighting for a Fair Game in the Gold Market, Ben Bernanke the Apprentice-Sorcerer, China To Accumulate Another 5,000 Tons Of Gold, The Rational Reason To Be Bullish On Gold, I Am A T...

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Bernanke’s « Syrian Moment »

Published by Fabrice Drouin Ristori | Sep 29, 2013

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s decision to go ahead with unabated quantitative easing (QE) seems to have taken many by surprise. To such an extent that, from now on, the major market participants are saying they have totally lost faith in Ben Bernanke. True, Ben Bernanke has been saying constantly, fo...

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QE to increase substantially, CFTC Closes Silver Market Investigation, JPMorgan Says ''Buy Gold'', Chinese Housewives vs. Goldman Sachs, Russia Increases Gold Holdings

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Sep 27, 2013

QE to increase substantially, Bernanke Confessing QE Tapering Impossible, JPMorgan Says "Buy Gold", When The International Monetary System Collapses—It’s Going To Be About How Much Gold You Have, We are on a gold standard now, Chinese Housewives vs. Goldman Sachs, Massive Gold Earthquake Now Shaking...

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