Response to Warren Buffet's article
Response to Warren Buffet's article "Gold has no value" published in CNN Money
Read articleResponse to Warren Buffet's article "Gold has no value" published in CNN Money
Read articleMF Global’s failure, Backwardation, Manipulation… these Phenomena Lead to an Acceleration of the Rush to Physical Gold and Silver.
Read articleIndia uses gold, instead of dollars, to pay his bills of oil from Iran. India became the first country to pay its bills of oil in gold.
Read articleMost people don’t even understand that their government makes their money worthless.In the last 10 years the dollar has declined by 79% against gold.
Read articleGold : the 21st century political weapon of the masses. We are witnessing today a global movement of mass protest all over the world, though, to a large extent, people don’t really know the fundamental cause of this crisis.
Read articleVenezuelan President Hugo Chavez signed a decree for the nationalization of the gold industry.
Read article8%+ unemployment returns dollar policy to the fore. U.S. Elites want to go back to Gold standard
Read articleVirtually all currencies show similar declines in value against gold in the last 100 years. This is the clearest evidence of governments and central banks defrauding their people of their hard earned money.
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