
Is This the Start of India's Gold Confiscation?

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Sep 10, 2015

On April 5, 1933, FDR signed Executive order 6102 which made illegal "the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States" in the process criminalizing the possession of monetary gold by any individual or corporation. This was de facto gold confisc...

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Something Just Snapped At The Comex

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Sep 9, 2015

Update: Earlier today, we said that we would "keep a close eye on today's Comex update to see if JPM reverses this "adjustment" and adds at least a few more tons of deliverable gold to its vault." Moments ago we got the daily update form the Comex and not only did JPM not reve...

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WEEK IN REVIEW: August 31-September 6

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Sep 4, 2015

Philippe Herlin: Owning Physical Gold Is A Necessity, Exorbitant Privilege: "The Dollar Is Our Currency But Your Problem", Central Bank Precious Metals Supply Evaporates, Gold 'Claims per Ounce' Spikes Back up to 126:1, Gold in Fed-Rate-Hike Cycles, Why are Foreign Countries Repatriating Gold Fro...

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WEEK IN REVIEW: August 24-30

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Aug 28, 2015

The Shanghai Crash Signals More Turmoil Ahead, Jim Sinclair: Silver Will Be Gold On Steroids In Coming Rally, JPM Customer Delivers 500 Gold Contracts of Bullion, When The Global Silver Shortage Arrives... It Will Be Too Late, 81 Gold Quotes Every Precious Metals Investor Should Know, China Confi...

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The Shanghai Crash Signals More Turmoil Ahead

Published by Philippe Herlin | Aug 27, 2015

The veil is being ripped... the Shanghai stock market crash reveals what the global financial markets would not dare admit: Chinese growth has vanished. Everyone was trying to believe that the official rate of 7% was real, that we could pin our hopes on it, that it would be the engine of the glob...

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WEEK IN REVIEW: August 17-23

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Aug 22, 2015

Newscast E5, Gold: One World Two Markets, China's Gold Reserves Updated: Surprised?, China's Gold Reserves Rose by 19 tonnes in July in 2nd Monthly Update, The Great Financial Catastrophe, Stunning One-Day Decline In Shanghai Futures Exchange Silver Inventories, A New Multi-Year High in Buying by...

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Gold – One World Two Markets

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Aug 17, 2015

The world is now at tipping point and this coming autumn we are likely to see the beginning of what I in an 2009 article described as “The Dark Years Are Here”. We are not just going to experience another correction, giving investors yet a chance to buy the dips in a never ending bullm...

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WEEK IN REVIEW: August 3-9

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Aug 7, 2015

Gold & Silver Newscast - Episode 4 (July 18-August 3), SHANGHAI SILVER STOCKS PLUMMET: More Signs of a Global Run on Silver?, Some Clear Thinking About The Price of Gold, Will China Play The 'Gold Card'?, Bucking The Global Trend, South Koreans Pile Into Gold, This Will Trigger The Start of a His...

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