Virtual Wealth and Real Wealth
Quantitative easing causes an artificial wealth effect for the wealthiest, while the middle-class earnings are not improving
Read articleQuantitative easing causes an artificial wealth effect for the wealthiest, while the middle-class earnings are not improving
Read articleDebt burdens in developed nations have become extreme by any historical measure and will require a wave of haircuts, warns IMF paper
Read articleIt is not necessary to have a high rate of inflation or hyperinflation, as we often read in the media, for the gold price to take off. Even deflation can generate a major increase in the gold price. The only negatives for gold would be disinflation and moderate inflation.
Read articleInterview with Jesse on COMEX/LBMA Manipulation, Disinflation Risk and the Gold Price, Is Deflation Negative for Gold?, How the ECB is Lying About Future Bank Stress Tests, Gold: Declining Prices Versus Skyrocketing Demand, IMF Paper Warns of ‘Savings Tax' and Mass Write-Offs as West's Debt Hits 200...
Read articleWe’re here at the heart of the conflict of interests that we have denounced in the past, e.g. the central bank being the banking sector’s regulatory organism : the ECB is judge and party.
Read articleEgon von Greyerz about the coming failure of the gold paper market, the importance of owning physical gold as insurance against a failure of the financial system and to protect against counterparty risk.
Read articleDeflation fears persist and, with it, the impact it would have on the gold price. Many observers believe the gold price would go down. Let’s try to clarify things a little.
Read articleInterview with Jesse on COMEX/LBMA Manipulation, Default Event and the Long Correction in Precious Metals, The French Central Bank Secretly Trades Gold for its Own Account, Manipulations Rule The Markets, The Volcker Rule and its Implications on the Gold and Silver Markets, Gold’s Role in the Future...
Read articleIn this interview with Jesse, we discuss the issues at the very centre of the gold market today : COMEX/LBMA manipulation, default event and how investors should react to the long correction in precious metals.
Read articleWe’ve already talked about what happened in Cyprus last April : the confiscation of bank accounts over 100,000 euros to shore up local failing banks. We also explained that it was but a rehearsal for future settlement of banking crises : directly looting depositors’ accounts. And, case in point, the...
Read articleThe French central bank trades gold for its own account "nearly on a daily basis" and is "active in the gold market for central banks and official institutions," a bank official told a conference of the London Bullion Market Association in Rome on September 30.
Read articleThe Volcker Rule, forbidding the largest U.S. banks from trading with their proprietary accounts, has just been approved and will take effect on April 1st, 2014. What impact will it have on the gold and silver markets?
Read articleGold Goes from West to East through Switzerland, China Prepares For Financial Warfare, A Gold Backed Renminbi (Yuan) Looms On The Horizon, 2nd Largest Month Ever For Chinese HK Gold Imports, The Eastern Lust for Gold, What’s Happening to All the Gold?, Volcker Rule Impacts: Gold, Silver & Precious M...
Read articleAmidst these geopolitical and monetary secular changes happening, gold will shine again in its historical role of debt extender and stable monetary haven. However this secular monetary crisis unfolds, gold will obviously be priced much higher than today in relation to fiat currencies.
Read articleAll the hooplah around bitcoin, the banking lobby maneuvers (central banks and large banks), are quite reminiscent of what is happening around gold.
Read articleThe volume of Swiss gold exports to Hong Kong was multiplied five-fold this year
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