Russian Central Bank adds 18.7 Tonnes of Gold to Reserves
Russia adds another 600.000 oz (18.7 tonnes) to its reserves in October.
Read articleRussia adds another 600.000 oz (18.7 tonnes) to its reserves in October.
Read articleExclusive interview with Marc Faber on gold, the US dollar, China and the Swiss gold Referendum
Read articleIn Luxembourg and Germany, some banks have started to apply negative interest rates on deposits: In other words, they are charging interest on deposits!
Read articleHelp your enemies underestimate your capabilities”. This military strategy is perfectly applicable today to the gold market. The Western press and pundits for the current financial status quo are doing all they can to divert investors from physical gold
Read articleDownload ebook for free. The goal of these economics detox chronicles is to propose another view and, first of all, counter the main discourse which permanently paints a rosy picture of the situation.
Read article"The Art of War" on Gold, Interview with Marc Faber, Gold US$5,000?, Swiss Gold Referendum, Alan Greenspan Thinks That Gold Is Currently a Good Investment, Swiss Watchdog Flags Up Gold Fix Manipulation
Read articleEven as the SNB has been scrambling to make the referendum seem like a non-event, with very little chance of passing, Deutsche Bank released a piece that roundly refuted everything the Swiss Central Bank has been peddling.
Read articleThere is a new alert out for banks and this time, it’s coming from a regulating agency worried of their capacity to weather an eventual next crisis. The alert was sounded by the FSB (Financial Stability Board), the G20’s organism in charge of financial regulation.
Read articleSwiss regulator FINMA said on Wednesday that it found a "clear attempt" to manipulate precious metals benchmarks during its investigation into precious metals and foreign exchange trading at UBS.
Read articleAlan Greenspan said gold is currently a good investment given the potential for turmoil: "Gold is a currency. It is still by all evidences the premier currency where no fiat currency, including the dollar, can match it."
Read articleUBS is to settle allegations of misconduct at its precious metals trading business alongside a planned agreement between UK and US authorities and seven banks over accusations of foreign exchange market rigging.
Read articleSome argue that without inflation or hyperinflation gold cannot reach $5,000, but they ignore that, in a deflationary environment, the global banking system collapses and this is as bullish for gold as hyperinflation.
Read articleIs the US Dollar in a New Major Bull Market?, US Mint Temporarily Sold Out of Silver Eagles Amid Huge Demand, Greenspan's Stunning Admission, Peter Schiff’s Message to Switzerland, United States: Voters Know Better than Economists
Read articleThe Dow is now at all time highs & gold looks to have bounced off its low.
Read articleBarak Obama and the Democrats just lost the mid-term elections. They were already in minority in Congress and now they are sinking even deeper, losing their majority in the Senate in favour of the Republicans.
Read articleThe U.S. Mint said on Wednesday it has temporarily sold out of its American Eagle silver bullion coins following "tremendous'' demand in the past several weeks.
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