Shortage In Physical Gold As Western Ponzi Scheme Collapsing
We are experiencing now is a real shortage in physical gold. You can just imagine what will happen when the next crisis starts in earnest
Read articleWe are experiencing now is a real shortage in physical gold. You can just imagine what will happen when the next crisis starts in earnest
Read articleThis crash on the gold and silver markets is orchestrated, and it doesn’t reflect the extremely tense situation on the physical gold and silver markets
Read articleThe paper market in gold is not a real market, and at some point in the near future paper gold holders will wake up and realize they are holding are worthless pieces of paper. This is when the world will witness one of the greatest short squeezes in history as investors panic in to physical and t...
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Read articleThere are storage companies in many countries. Outside of Switzerland the most popular locations are in Hong Kong and Singapore.
Read articleGold, silver, real estate or stocks ? It is difficult to determine what sort of investments one should go for. Sure, « past performances can’t vouch for future performances », but they can influence them, and analysing them may let us discern the large on-going trends
Read articleEgon von Greyerz stated that the Fed may increase QE a shocking ten times in coming years. He also provided a fantastic gold chart
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