The ECB to Open Liquidity Spigots

Published by Philippe Herlin | Dec 5, 2013

According to the Bank of Italy, of the 255 billion euros borrowed from the ECB through the LTRO, italian banks only reimbursed 15%, or 38 billion euros. So, there still remains 217 billion euros to be paid in 2014... and for Spain, the amounts are just about the same.

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Says Bernanke : QE Not Causing Dow Jones Bubble

Published by Philippe Herlin | Nov 28, 2013

Don’t laugh, but Ben Bernanke refutes the fact that easy monetary policy from the Fed has favored Wall Street... he even goes as far as saying it has helped the middle class! Quote : « Even though this may come as a shock, I don’t agree. Our monetary policy has helped american households to improve...

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U.S. Debt Becoming A Riskier Asset

Published by Philippe Herlin | Oct 24, 2013

With the shutdown absurd showdown – temporarily – over, we are now faced with having to re-evaluate the U.S. debt in depth. Is it still a safe, risk-free asset, with the Fed backing it forever with new money? This is an important question.

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IMF Condoning the Plundering of Bank Accounts

Published by Philippe Herlin | Oct 16, 2013

As we’ve been saying at the time, the spoliation of bank accounts in Cyprus this last March to save their banks was but a general rehearsal. We’ve also learned that there is a european proposal on the table to have depositors of over 100,000 euros contribute should there be a bank bailout in a Euroz...

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Bernanke Confessing QE Tapering Impossible

Published by Philippe Herlin | Sep 26, 2013

Last Thursday, there was quite a surprise : contrary to what the majority of market participants were anticipating, Ben Bernanke decided not to taper his QE (quantitative easing). Thus, $85B a month is still being created by the Fed to keep buying $45B of federal debt and $40B of mortgage-backed sec...

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Gold Slowly Getting Its Shine Back

Published by Philippe Herlin | Sep 5, 2013

This drop in the price of gold in the first quarter of this year, though significant, will no doubt seem very soon like a glitch, a short pause. The price of gold really started to go up in 2002 when the Fed implemented its laxist policies and now the central banks are stuck with their printing pres...

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Goldman Sachs Is Above the Law!

Published by Philippe Herlin | Aug 29, 2013

Goldman Sachs is above the law. On August 20th, this prestigious business bank is stung with a giant computer bug : their program sends out false orders in great quantities on the american options market and on certain quoted index funds. Which de-stabilizes these markets, and just goes to show how...

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Emerging Countries : The End Game?

Published by Philippe Herlin | Aug 22, 2013

According to Morgan Stanley, in the week starting August 14, $760 million have been withdrawn from emerging countries funds, $590 million of which in Asia, for both stock shares and debt obligations. And this is the third consecutive week of withdrawals

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Published by Philippe Herlin | Aug 8, 2013

There is no recovery. But, since the mainstream media and the governments keep repeating it over and over again and since we prefer believing good news than bad news, a majority of people believe in this so-called recovery. This is why the stock market is up and gold is down.

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