QE and Inflation
A great amount of money is being created by the central banks (FED, BCE, BoJ) but, for now, we’re not seeing a strong inflation
Read articleA great amount of money is being created by the central banks (FED, BCE, BoJ) but, for now, we’re not seeing a strong inflation
Read articleThe european banking system remains entirely dependant on the ECB for its daily operations, and this is not good news
Read articleOnly one thing can explain the backwardation in gold : loss of confidence. Potential buyers of futures reckon there is a significant risk that the contract might not be fulfilled
Read articleAway from the cameras, without invoking a « last chance summit », Ireland just benefited from a restructuration
Read articleMany large international banks, like Crédit Agricole, Commerzbank and UBS are announcing important losses for the last quarter of 2012
Read articleThe Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has forbidden Egan Jones to publish its rating notes on States for 18 months (SEC’s announcement), a stupefying decision
Read articleJapan just crossed another hurdle in its escape ahead by monetization of its debt in what can be called a show of strength by the new Prime Minister, Shinto Abe, against Japan’s central bank.
Read articleThere is very significant news that has barely made the headlines : Last week, the Fed has paid $89 Billion in benefits to the U.S. Treasury. It is 18% more than last year’s payment and it wipes out the $79 Billion 2010 record
Read articleIncredibly, banks’ wishes have come true in the very first week of 2013 ! Should we rejoice ? Well, not really, because one of the main dispositions of Basel III, where prudential norms of the world banking sector are being discussed, has been emptied of its substance. The crisis of 2008 has sho...
Read articleThe answer to our actual crisis goes through a return to « sound » money. Not necessarily a gold standard, which would be too brutal, but at least we should let gold circulate as real money alongside the fiat currencies
Read articleThe Fed has decided, last week, to extend its quantitative easing (QE) policy. The US central bank is back with pure monetary creation
Read articleWe won’t be cruel by reminding you that François Hollande, recently, and his predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy, last spring, had declared the Eurozone crisis « over »... All the different bailout plans are only fragile undertakings, and the smallest shock can bring them down, as we know and are witness...
Read articlehe bank’s board of directors just published a document asking the shareholders (the governments of France, Belgium and Luxembourg) to subscribe to an increase in capital of 5.5Billion euros
Read articleMoody’s has decided on Monday night to downgrade France’s AAA rating. A French debt crisis would jeopardize all of the Eurozone
Read articleBarack Obama and Ben Bernanke stand behind this policy of monetizing the public debt. Money printing contributes to the devaluation of the dollar and this is bullish for gold
Read articleWhile publishing its last quarterly results, Morgan Stanley, the American bank, announced it had « modified its VaR model in order for it to be more receptive to the recent market conditions ». What’s behind this weird wording ?
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