Rising Inflation: Rush to Buy Physical Gold
The gold market is becoming more physical, less manipulated and more transparent. The rush to buy physical gold is taking place against a backdrop of rising inflation.
Read articleThe gold market is becoming more physical, less manipulated and more transparent. The rush to buy physical gold is taking place against a backdrop of rising inflation.
Read articleGold is the barometer of current events, and as such, it sends out a very strong signal. At a time when the global economy is reeling under the effects of financial instability, trade wars and geopolitical conflicts, the yellow metal is racking up record after record.
Read articleUntil recently, physical gold used to flow mainly from refineries to the BRICS countries. Now, over the past two months, it's the US market that's acting as a veritable vacuum cleaner, absorbing an ever-increasing share of the physical gold market.
Read articleSince the announcement of Trump’s victory, the COMEX has been facing exceptionally high Gold delivery demands.This required a veritable airlift to transfer 393 tonnes of gold from the LBMA’s London warehouses to the COMEX vaults in New York, bringing the New York gold stocks to 926 tonnes. This m...
Read articlePhysical gold is no longer simply an investment; it is now the ultimate protection, ensuring the smooth running of the economy in the event of a sudden breakdown in the traditional financial system.
Read articlePhysical gold now plays the same role in the United States as it did in China last year: a safe alternative in the face of economic and financial instability.
Read articleTraditional portfolios, divided between equities and bonds, are less resilient to economic shocks than they used to be, as the two assets increasingly react in tandem, reducing their diversification and resilience. Another asset must therefore be included: physical gold.
Read articleWith 2024 now behind us, the year ahead promises to be all the more dramatic. The times in which we live remain historically intense. At this very particular moment when two worlds are separating, the decades to come are being written today. 2025 will therefore be marked by the accelerated develo...
Read articleIn this 48-minute discussion, Ronni and Egon cover various topics, including the evolution of gold versus Bitcoin, predictions for rising gold prices, central banks' reserve shifts, and global economic risks.
Read articleCentral bank purchases of physical gold, as well as tensions on the silver market, are taking place against a backdrop of general indifference on the part of Western investors.
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