Gold Wars
We are aware of the currency wars, but we are a lot less familiar with the gold wars raging between the East and the West and, more particularly, between China and the United States.
Read articleWe are aware of the currency wars, but we are a lot less familiar with the gold wars raging between the East and the West and, more particularly, between China and the United States.
Read articleThe evidence of gold price manipulation is clear. In this article we present evidence and describe the process. We conclude that ability to manipulate the gold price is disappearing as physical gold moves from New York and London to Asia, leaving the West with paper claims to gold that greatly ex...
Read articleMost financial analysts, including some who specialize in precious metals, analyze gold as a commodity however gold is not a commodity since unlike other commodities it is not consumed. Therefore, the traditional economic models and theories of supply and demand simply do not apply when analyzing...
Read articleInterview with Jesse on COMEX/LBMA Manipulation, Disinflation Risk and the Gold Price, Is Deflation Negative for Gold?, How the ECB is Lying About Future Bank Stress Tests, Gold: Declining Prices Versus Skyrocketing Demand, IMF Paper Warns of ‘Savings Tax' and Mass Write-Offs as West's Debt Hits...
Read articleInterview with Jesse on COMEX/LBMA Manipulation, Default Event and the Long Correction in Precious Metals, The French Central Bank Secretly Trades Gold for its Own Account, Manipulations Rule The Markets, The Volcker Rule and its Implications on the Gold and Silver Markets, Gold’s Role in the Fut...
Read articleAmidst these geopolitical and monetary secular changes happening, gold will shine again in its historical role of debt extender and stable monetary haven. However this secular monetary crisis unfolds, gold will obviously be priced much higher than today in relation to fiat currencies.
Read articleGold Goes from West to East through Switzerland, China Prepares For Financial Warfare, A Gold Backed Renminbi (Yuan) Looms On The Horizon, 2nd Largest Month Ever For Chinese HK Gold Imports, The Eastern Lust for Gold, What’s Happening to All the Gold?, Volcker Rule Impacts: Gold, Silver & Preciou...
Read articleAll the hooplah around bitcoin, the banking lobby maneuvers (central banks and large banks), are quite reminiscent of what is happening around gold.
Read articleThe volume of Swiss gold exports to Hong Kong was multiplied five-fold this year
Read articleFinancial journalist Lars Schall talked with German academic Tom Fischer, a financial mathematician, about the phenomenon why gold’s usual state of contango suggests central bank interference. Moreover, they took a look at the issue of the paper vs the physical gold market, and discussed other is...
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