Stalled Real Estate Market in the US, Gold Rush in India
The US real estate market is paralyzed as it awaits a Fed rate cut, while the reduction of import duties on gold in India stimulates demand for precious metals.
Read articleThe US real estate market is paralyzed as it awaits a Fed rate cut, while the reduction of import duties on gold in India stimulates demand for precious metals.
Read articleThe collapse of the correlation between the gold price and real interest rates raises many questions. In the old paradigm, it was unthinkable that the gold price would trend firmer during a phase of sharply rising real interest rates. Gold and gold investors are now entering terra incognita.
Read articleFrance's image in the world is plummeting at a time when its budget deficit appears to be totally out of control, reaching the same level as at the time of the Covid crisis. Remember that half of France's public debt is held by foreign investors. Any significant lack of confidence would result in a...
Read articleGold is currently benefiting from concerns over the dual problem of debt and deficit in the United States. The more tangible the signs of economic slowdown, the more gold will succeed in reaching highs.
Read articleTaking stock of Brexit also means recalling the historical events of the past few years. The poor economic results are in fact as much attributable to Brexit as to the many recent crises, ranging from the health crisis to the Ukrainian-Russian war and geopolitical tensions around the world.
Read articleAs political parties, currencies, stocks, bonds and other bubble assets fall, the indisputable winners will be gold and silver.
Read articleGold will probably continue to rise until ETF outstandings reach their highest levels, which is still a long way off. Especially as demand for physical gold remains very strong. Despite the high price of an ounce of gold, central banks continue to buy precious metals on a massive scale.
Read articleThe global economic slowdown is having a direct impact on the accelerating depreciation of the Japanese currency. Under these conditions, the price of gold in yen continues its parabolic rise.
Read articleCurrent history shows a decline in US monetary hegemony, marked by a series of de-dollarisation announcements and a reduction in dollar reserves in central banks, signalling a change in international trade, particularly in commodities such as oil.
Read articleThe slowdown in the US economy is amplified by structural problems in the labor market and inflation, masked by a rise in part-time employment and temporary support measures, with an increased risk of recession due to the prolonged inversion of the yield curve.
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