Gold Prices: A New Breakout Test
It’s as if the market were finding it very hard to discern the potential for a rise in gold right now, even though we have never before been in such favorable conditions for the precious metals sector.
Read articleIt’s as if the market were finding it very hard to discern the potential for a rise in gold right now, even though we have never before been in such favorable conditions for the precious metals sector.
Read articleGold: the reversal is in place according with the last chart...The train is leaving the station: are you on board? ....
Read articleFor those of us who can see through Fed-speak and track facts rather than fictions, there are two factors favorable to gold (rather than just golden tongues) which we can smile upon for the next “foreseeable” 5 years, namely: More growth in the broad money supply and more negative real interest r...
Read articleThe investors who are buying gold today are protecting themselves from both of these risks: the risk of currency devaluation (gold is a safe haven when fiat currencies lose their value) and the risk that this bubble will burst. In relation to this last point, it should also be noted that gold has...
Read articleGold - We just had an 8 month correction (the launchpad). We bounced off my arc (the engines firing). Real yields are turning negative again (rocket fuel). Is gold price heading "to the moon" ?
Read articleIn a world awash with money-printing, a currency backed by gold would have great credibility. And China – with designs on the yuan becoming the world’s reserve currency – has a lot more gold than anyone else. But how much?
Read articleIn the decades which have passed since Greenspan became the Fed template and “stimulus” supplier of Wall Street’s post-87 debt (keg) party of free money, repressed rates and hence massive stock and bond bubble-to-burst cycles, where can informed investors find value, safety and a comfortable nigh...
Read articleThe Silver Short Squeeze movement has shaken up all of the custodians of the metals, who must now respond to clients who are increasingly anxious about the authenticity of their metals accounts. We know that today, the silver market is founded on a derivatives system where there are far more virt...
Read articleThe current silver price has nothing to do with supply and demand. In a real market the Price of Silver would be substantially higher. In a fake market, the manipulators have no problem to suppress the price by selling virtually unlimited fake paper silver.
Read articleTo protect ourselves from these unavoidable effects of the monetary policies implemented for more than 10 years, now is the time for a return to tangible assets for increasing numbers of investors.
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