John Butler: The Gold Standard
Dan Popescu's exclusive interview with John Butler on the gold standard, a gold-backed ruble, and the chinese gold reserves
Read articleDan Popescu's exclusive interview with John Butler on the gold standard, a gold-backed ruble, and the chinese gold reserves
Read articleDan Popescu's interview with Philippe Herlin on the necessity of owning physical in the actual context.
Read articleIn the conflictual environment we are now in, it looks more and more to me that gold will impose itself as the de facto money .
Read articleOn July 17, 2015, China updated its official gold reserves as being 1,658.1 tonnes. Surprised?
Read articleDan Popescu's exclusive interview with Gerald Celente (Trends Journal - Trendsresearch.com) on gold and geopolitics : - Greece, Puerto Rico defaults, geopolitics and their relation to gold - Gold price manipulation; China, US and EU - Does China control the price of gold? -...
Read articleSo many articles and books have been written about gold as money, but so few about silver. However, a lot more silver has been used as money than gold, mostly because of its lower value and therefore being easier to transact for day-to-day needs.
Read articleChina could shock the world when it announces its gold reserves. Any amount above 8,000 tonnes will be a shock in the central bank community and the gold market. Why is China accumulating so much gold? Why is China encouraging its citizens so hard to buy gold?
Read articleGold has been and still is a de facto currency of last resort. When everything else fails gold shines again. In addition, both China and Russia are preparing themselves for the possible collapse of the present monetary system by buying as much gold as possible.
Read articleEven though Switzerland is a very small country it plays a major role in the gold and foreign exchange markets and can create a shock with a very large impact that some call loosely a “black swan” event.
Read articleInterview with David Morgan (The Morgan Report - Silver-investor.com) on silver and its relation to gold
Read articleInterview with Guillermo Barba (Global Financial Intelligence): Gold and silver from a Mexican perspective
Read articleDan Popescu exclusive interview with Chris Powell (Secretary/Treasurer of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee - GATA) on the rigging of the gold market
Read articleBefore I go into the five reasons to buy gold in 2015, let me go through four hypotheses for the future price of gold and silver.
Read articleI will try, in this short review, to analyze the gold and silver market in 2014. In my next article, I will look at what could happen in 2015 for gold and silver.
Read articleDan Popescu exclusive interview with Willem Middelkoop (founder of the Commodity Discovery Fund and author) about the war on gold and the financial endgame.
Read articleIf gold is a relic of the past then why are central banks holding so much gold? Central banks hold, if we believe official statistics, around 20% of the global gold stock.
Read articleI wanted to do a review of the Swiss gold referendum on Monday just after the referendum but I decided to wait a week and analyze its impact better. I think I was right.
Read articleExclusive interview with Marc Faber on gold, the US dollar, China and the Swiss gold Referendum
Read articleSome argue that without inflation or hyperinflation gold cannot reach $5,000, but they ignore that, in a deflationary environment, the global banking system collapses and this is as bullish for gold as hyperinflation.
Read articleAll of a sudden, with the illusion of the end of QE, there is a strong belief that things have changed for the best for the U.S. and, more specifically, for the US dollar. All of a sudden, the US debt is gone and the deficit problem is almost solved with shale oil.
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