
Eurozone: Recession and Gloomy Economic Outlook

Published by Julien Chevalier | Jul 3, 2023 | 13905

Contrary to what many economists believed, the eurozone has finally entered into a recession. Rising interest rates and inflation are weighing on households. Consumption is falling. Demand for new loans is contracting sharply, particularly in France. The economic cycle is coming to an end. Like déjà...

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U.S. Companies Face the Debt Wall

Published by Laurent Maurel | Jun 23, 2023 | 8987

The U.S. debt crisis has been avoided, but the Treasury must urgently issue an avalanche of very short-term bonds to pay its bills. How much money does the U.S. government need? Initial estimates put the colossal figure at $550 billion, to be found immediately, starting this summer.

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The History of Gold Cycles

Published by Otavio Costa | Jun 15, 2023 | 14569

The multitude of macro drivers supporting the onset of another gold cycle is truly remarkable. Amplified by the prevailing skepticism surrounding the metal, we are arguably experiencing the most important time in gold's history.

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EU Banks Are Just As Worse Off As The U.S.

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Jun 8, 2023 | 4122

Investing in gold is the way to safeguard yourself, and your family, from a broken financial system. Egon emphasizes that banks in the E.U. are no better off than those in the United States. He explains how the West’s debt is being increased exponentially, and that it’s only a matter of time before...

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The Problem With Gold Production Costs

Published by Thomas Andrieu | Jun 7, 2023 | 22831

Gold mining companies have a significant influence on the price of the yellow metal. With demand for physical gold tending to run out of steam in the first quarter of 2023, the pressure on production costs raises questions about the outlook for the gold price.

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Is the US Economy in Recession?

Published by Cyrille Jubert | Jun 7, 2023 | 9755

In reality, therefore, the American economy has been falling since the end of the 1990s. Despite the apparent rise in the stock market, the Dow expressed in grams of gold has been falling since the low point of gold in 1999.

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