Is Silver Finally About to Break Its Resistance?

Published by Laurent Maurel | Apr 7, 2023 | 18192

The bullish impulse in silver prices is, in any case, very strong in recent weeks. The movement resembles the very bullish phases of 2010 and early 2020. Silver rises on "feverish rush". This is characteristic of a metal whose prices are highly regulated by the futures market and whose tangible unde...

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The Financial System Is Terminally Broken

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Mar 19, 2023 | 15845

The financial system is terminally broken, toast, kaput! Anyone who doesn’t see what is happening will soon lose a major part of their assets either through bank failure, currency debasement or the collapse of all bubble assets like stocks, property and bonds by 75-100%. Wealth preservation in physi...

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SVB, Eurovita: The Global Bond Crisis Begins

Published by Philippe Herlin | Mar 16, 2023 | 21147

The bankruptcies of Eurovita and SVB, while waiting for the next ones, are linked to a bond crisis. It is not a question of fraud (FTX, Madoff), toxic assets (subprimes), or adventurous management (LTCM in 1998). No, the problem is the huge bundle of sovereign bonds that form the basis of the balanc...

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