Offer & Supply

The Problem With Gold Production Costs

Published by Thomas Andrieu | Jun 7, 2023 | 32340

Gold mining companies have a significant influence on the price of the yellow metal. With demand for physical gold tending to run out of steam in the first quarter of 2023, the pressure on production costs raises questions about the outlook for the gold price.

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Gold: Looking for Important Clues in Unusual Places

Published by Mike Roy | Jun 5, 2023 | 11896

The charts compare the price of gold to the Producer Price Index of Lumber and Wood Products, but also to palladium and to the price of Microsoft stock. To figure out whether an asset is in a bull market, you don't just want to see the nominal value increase, you also want to see that asset outpe...

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China Makes its Mark on the Gold Market

Published by Julien Chevalier | May 30, 2023 | 24958

For the first time in several years, the People's Bank of China (PBoC) is once again publishing its purchasing data. This change in behavior is not insignificant, and testifies to the country's determination to establish itself as a major player in the gold market.

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Imminent Start of The Silver Rally With Return to $30?

Published by Cyrille Jubert | May 18, 2023 | 19714

When the banking system is multiplying bankruptcies, the US Treasury is preparing to default on its debt, real estate prices are collapsing and emerging countries are abandoning exchanges in dollars, there is only precious metals to protect its capital. Gold and silver are at the very start of an...

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