Saxo Bank's Outrageous Predictions For 2025
Saxo Bank announced its annual Outrageous Predictions for 2025: improbable yet underestimated scenarios that could disrupt markets, politics, and technology worldwide.
Read articleSaxo Bank announced its annual Outrageous Predictions for 2025: improbable yet underestimated scenarios that could disrupt markets, politics, and technology worldwide.
Read articleWith $2 trillion in bonds, notes and bills maturing in 2025, plus another $2 trillion in annual budget deficits, gross financing needs total $4 trillion. The need to finance such a large amount of new debt is the main argument supporting the forecast of a rise in the price of gold in 2025.
Read articleIs the market really overvalued, and if so, where? In Europe and the US? In this episode, we'll explore this question and highlight an essential truth: the best wealth management advisor is you.
Read articleThe capitalisation of Fartcoin, nicknamed the "fart currency", recently reached $800 million. Meanwhile, the Chinese and Indians are taking massive refuge in physical gold to protect themselves against the devaluation of fiat currencies.
Read articleAs 2024 draws to a close, we'll take a look this week at long term annual and quarterly silver charts that look incredibly optimistic for 2025 and beyond.
Read articleCentral bank purchases of physical gold, as well as tensions on the silver market, are taking place against a backdrop of general indifference on the part of Western investors.
Read articleThere has never been so much money in circulation. Never have markets had so much liquidity to pursue assets at such high valuations, underpinned mainly by their ability to generate growth via the services associated with the products and offers they provide.
Read articleThe German economy is suffering its sharpest fall in orders since the 2009 crisis, while global financial markets, particularly in the US, continue to soar.
Read articleThis week, we'll look at a couple of interesting long term charts of both gold and the dow to see how technical analysis suggests they MIGHT play out in the decades ahead.
Read articleGold is the best-performing asset class in this century, better than the S&P including reinvested dividends and still NOBODY OWNS GOLD. Only 0.5% of global financial assets are invested in gold. Gold will rise by multiples in the coming years.
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