
Gold Is the Only Way Out for Central Banks

Published by Jan Nieuwenhuijs | Oct 20, 2020 | 14902

Many years of loose and unconventional monetary policy have severely damaged financial markets and the global economy. Currently, central banks find themselves cornered, as the financial system is drowning in debt and addicted to ever easier money. Gold, however, provides multiple solutions.

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European Bank Mergers Won't Solve Anything

Published by Philippe Herlin | Oct 7, 2020 | 37248

Are we witnessing a movement of European bank mergers? Rumors have been circulating for several years about a merger between Commerzbank and Deutsche Bank or with BNP Paribas, between Société Générale and Unicredit, but nothing has happened so far. But lately several mergers have taken place.

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Gold Is The Ancient Currency, The Currency Of Trust

Published by Philippe Herlin | Oct 1, 2020 | 33530

The main factor is the distrust of currencies; central banks are running their money printing presses at full speed, whereas with the recession due to the coronavirus, the production of real goods is falling. In this case, what is money worth? What are the major currencies, the dollar, the euro,...

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