Next Gold Move Will Surprise The World
Any major correction in gold is unlikely until it has reached much, much higher prices. Thus, anyone watching conventional overbought indicators will miss the Gold Wagon.
Read articleAny major correction in gold is unlikely until it has reached much, much higher prices. Thus, anyone watching conventional overbought indicators will miss the Gold Wagon.
Read articleIn the USA, inflation is set to rise again due to disruptions in supply chains. But for Europe, the situation is even more critical: in addition to these supply tensions, it will have to contend with soaring interest rates, a further factor in inflationary pressure. The risk of worsening stagflat...
Read articleUS and Europe are showing signs of weakness. The price of gold is benefiting from concerns about growth, and is riding a wave of record highs.
Read articleIt appears that the run in the Dow Jones is out of steam and it is now time to rotate into commodities - namely, gold and silver.
Read articleSince the crisis in 2020, the US stock market has grown at a sustained rate of +20% per year. Since 2022, this rise has been further accentuated by the rise of artificial intelligence. Despite the momentum of innovation and continued growth in the US, the strength of this bull market is raising q...
Read articleAre we witnessing the end of paper gold? Currently, 100 ounces of paper gold are traded for every ounce of physical gold available on the market. If paper gold investors lose confidence in their counterparties against a backdrop of physical metal shortages, we'll be witnessing a historic event in...
Read articleThe price of gold in South Korea rose sharply, fuelled by a “fear of missing out” (FOMO) rush. In response to this strong demand, South Korean banks suspended the sale of gold and silver bars, citing a shortage.
Read articleUntil recently, physical gold used to flow mainly from refineries to the BRICS countries. Now, over the past two months, it's the US market that's acting as a veritable vacuum cleaner, absorbing an ever-increasing share of the physical gold market.
Read articleThere is an argument against buying gold that really ticks me off (and the same goes for bitcoin): it offers no return, no interest and no dividend, unlike conventional investments (stocks, bonds, life insurance, bank savings accounts, rental property). It would be a second-rate asset, imperfect...
Read articlePhysical gold now plays the same role in the United States as it did in China last year: a safe alternative in the face of economic and financial instability.
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