
Coming Market Madness Could Take 70 Years To Recover

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Jan 12, 2022 | 13453

Controlling the Fed has given the bankers an unlimited supply of money and credit to finance their activities. As is the general rule today, debt is never repaid since new debt always makes the old debt insignificant as the currency is constantly debased with all the new money issued. The upside pot...

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The Danger Of Letting Inflation Run Rife In Europe

Published by Laurent Maurel | Jan 12, 2022 | 16181

The reserves for the next rise in gold are certainly present in Germany and in other countries with high savings rates. At the same time, faced with this inflationary shock, we are witnessing the confidence that these savers have in the ECB being eroded a little more with each passing day. In those...

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Chaos And The Triumph Of Survival

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Dec 22, 2021 | 12643

Prudence tells us to get out of bubble assets like stocks, bonds and speculative property. Once the fall starts, these assets are likely to lose 90% or more in real terms which means against gold. Own physical gold and some silver (much more volatile). That will be your insurance against a rotten fi...

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Inflation Made a Dramatic Entrance to Europe

Published by Laurent Maurel | Dec 1, 2021 | 16853

The next stage of the inflationary cycle that we are currently traversing will involve efforts to control the prices by the authorities, which will logically trigger even more pronounced shortages in a production chain that is already greatly weakened by the sanitary crisis and by the rise in transp...

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Why The Price of Silver Could Soar in 2022

Published by Cyrille Jubert | Nov 29, 2021 | 53764

Our economic and political elites want the world to equip itself with "clean energy". This will involve a lot of upstream and downstream photovoltaics, changing a very large number of equipments and products that will have to adapt to new technologies. As a result, the industrial demand for silver w...

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Backwardation On All The Metals

Published by Laurent Maurel | Nov 24, 2021 | 15248

These interventions on the futures markets now only have very transitory effects, and at the same time, they are reinforcing the tensions on the physical side. Each enforced correction on the paper market prompts a veritable run on the physical metal. This holds true for the entire metals compartmen...

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