
Storage: New Fees Schedule

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Apr 13, 2021 | 4848

After several months of shared reflection with our clients, we are pleased to announce the implementation of a new storage fees schedule. The calculation of storage fees is now based on the value of your assets, not anymore on the number of ounces held.

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Banking Risk—The Real Killer Virus

Published by Matthew Piepenburg | Apr 12, 2021 | 9572

Banks, and hence banking risk, come in a wide variety of flavors, largely because bank mismanagement and short-sighted absurdity comes with equal frequency. As such, a fuller discussion on banking risk would necessitate hundreds of pages and hundreds of examples.

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Archegos & Credit Suisse – Tip Of The Iceberg

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Apr 8, 2021 | 28410

Warren Buffett called derivatives financial weapons of mass destruction and he is absolutely right. Greedy bankers have now built derivatives to a self-destructive nuclear weapon. Archegos shows the world that an unknown smaller hedge fund can get credit lines of $30 billion or more that quickly...

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Gold Rises as Financial Faith Weakens

Published by Matthew Piepenburg | Apr 5, 2021 | 4162

Despite all the reasons discussed in preceding reports (i.e., money supply, commodity super cycles, deficit spending, and governmental credit guarantees to commercial banks) as to what we see as the current as well as future inevitability of rising inflation, there are many credible individuals,...

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