
The Controlling Of Gold Prices Continues

Published by Laurent Maurel | Jul 14, 2021 | 19552

Like many fixed-income securities, the gold prices are completely detached from supply and demand. The mechanism for determining prices is distorted by ‘tools’ that enable the monetary authorities to alter the perception of their inflationary monetary policies.

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Gold Is Lagging Behind The Yields

Published by Laurent Maurel | Jul 7, 2021 | 15729

In the last few weeks, gold has not followed the curve of the rates and there is now a decorrelation between the 10-year rates and the gold price. Since 2009, the two indices have been following one another fairly closely, and the latest gaps between the curves of these two indices have always been...

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The Dollar’s Final Crash Down A Golden Matterhorn

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Jul 7, 2021 | 20287

On the one hand gold signifies stability, wealth and the only currency that has survived in history and maintained its purchasing power. That is why governments around the world allegedly hold 34,000 tonnes of it currently valued at $2 trillion. On the other hand governments hate gold since it revea...

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Hungary Increases Gold Reserves To 94.5 Tons

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Jul 5, 2021 | 5885

Gold is a matter of national strategy - an economic strategy - a line of defense. Whoever has gold does not belong to anyone - he or she keeps gold without obligation, Orbán stressed. He stated that the Hungarian gold reserve plays a very important role in the total Hungarian foreign exchange reserv...

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Inflation Spreads Toward Europe

Published by Laurent Maurel | Jun 30, 2021 | 16811

The economic actors’ confidence regarding the central banks’ ability to correct this inflation, which they deem to be transitory, is certainly not open to question today. However, without rapid and specific action by these central banks (particularly on interest rates), this patience, which is also...

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Why Gold Is Statistically A Profitable And Stable Asset

Published by Thomas Andrieu | Jun 29, 2021 | 14154

Gold is an eternally stable asset. It has one of the lowest levels of volatility one can find anywhere on the stock markets. What’s more, variations of an extreme nature are very rare. Furthermore, by contrast with most other assets, the absolute gold variations demonstrate stability and a high degr...

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