
Gold Is Just Fine — Here’s Why

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Nov 11, 2022 | 3435

Egon von Greyerz and Matthew Piepenburg, exchange thoughts on the latest market and gold developments with Ronni Stoeferle. The discussion opens with a nod toward generational thinking, and hence generational wealth preservation.

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The Global Economy Is In Full Transformation

Published by Julien Chevalier | Nov 7, 2022 | 11561

Gradually, the myth of infinite growth is dying out. China is discovering that the continuous and harmful accumulation of debt will eventually pay off because debt has a procyclical effect, the countries of the Middle East and Russia (among others) understand their dependence on a naturally limited...

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Towards a Gold Reversal in 2023?

Published by Thomas Andrieu | Nov 1, 2022 | 56612

2022 will have confirmed our expectations. The price of gold has (so far) remained broadly stable with sharp movements linked in particular to the war in Ukraine. However, as we have shown, these movements are symmetrical with the past evolution of gold prices. Although the year 2022 is not over, th...

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Silver - The Element of Change

Published by Goldbroker ™ | Oct 26, 2022 | 6293

Silver has been a popular store of value for centuries. Today, large and small investors alike recognize silver’s intrinsic worth and are including silver in their investment portfolios. Without question, few other substances are as versatile, as beneficial, as beautiful as silver. It has been instr...

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Are Central Banks Still Credible?

Published by Laurent Maurel | Oct 19, 2022 | 9138

As central banks’ interventions continue to increase, the volatility in all markets is not going to go away! Under these conditions, how can we be surprised to see more and more investors seeking the stability of an investment in physical gold in order to regain some serenity in a financial world wh...

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