
Why Buy Gold When There Is Bitcoin & Tesla

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Mar 24, 2021 | 30079

I often hear complaints that gold is a useless investment since it doesn’t go up fast enough. Bitcoin and Tesla are much more exciting so why should an investor hold gold – an incredibly dull investment for the majority of people. If I tell investors that it is absolutely critical to hold gold for w...

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It Is Decision Time For Gold

Published by Laurent Maurel | Mar 23, 2021 | 23076

Since January, gold has come back to the bottom of its consolidation flag, then in fact regained its bear trend set off in this dollar short squeeze. This was decision time for gold, at a crucial moment where we are witnessing a exhaustion of the dollar short squeeze and a cracking of the entire bon...

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Making Sense of Comex Insanity

Published by Matthew Piepenburg | Mar 22, 2021 | 13007

The COMEX futures market is not a simple place for the buying and selling of paper contracts, but rather a highly corrupted place for the manipulation, leverage and manipulation of those paper contracts and hence the pricing of the assets they represent.

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Goodbye Economic Growth, Now It's Over

Published by Philippe Herlin | Mar 18, 2021 | 35501

The European Central Bank's printing press is the only thing left to provide glitter, cheap illusions, stock market and real estate bubbles that will turn heads but will only last a short time. An ECB that will also hold at arm's length a banking sector burdened with bad debts... Our economy is defi...

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Getting Ready for Gold’s Golden Era

Published by Matthew Piepenburg | Mar 15, 2021 | 11350

Worried about gold sentiment? Don’t be. The mainstream view of gold right now is an open yawn, and sentiment indicators for this precious metal are now at 3-year lows despite the gold highs of last August. Is this cause for genuine concern? Not at all.

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Rigged to Fail - From Musk to Powell

Published by Matthew Piepenburg | Mar 12, 2021 | 6153

As Inflation rates outpace repressed yields, negative real rates increase in speed as will the price rise in gold currently feeling the pinch of temporarily higher real yields. Informed investors should therefore see the current calm in gold pricing as the time to buy gold rather than wait for price...

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Sentiment in Gold at a Lower Level

Published by Laurent Maurel | Mar 9, 2021 | 16487

At present, gold in any case is continuing its correction in this context of rising interest rates. Disengagement on gold ETFS funds continued last week after a record 12 consecutive days of decrease. The last liquidation of these ETFS that was so intense goes back to the correction of December 2016...

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