
Silver & Gold Production Cliff Coming

Published by Otavio Costa | Jan 2, 2022 | 4005

Tavi Costa joins Wall Street Silver to explain the lack of investment going into the commodity sector. Underinvestment for many years is leading to a supply cliff for Gold, Silver, Copper and many other commodities. Most of the money is going into unprofitable tech companies. This positions the c...

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Chaos And The Triumph Of Survival

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Dec 22, 2021 | 12712

Prudence tells us to get out of bubble assets like stocks, bonds and speculative property. Once the fall starts, these assets are likely to lose 90% or more in real terms which means against gold. Own physical gold and some silver (much more volatile). That will be your insurance against a rotten...

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2022 Will Mark Gold’s Entry Into A New Cycle Phase

Published by Thomas Andrieu | Dec 20, 2021 | 43443

The relatively sizable historic decline of the gold price makes it possible to draw detailed conclusions about the regular phases of evolution of the price of gold. In this article, we take a look at an exclusive approach to the cyclical nature of gold, the major phases of growth since the 1970s,...

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Onwards To Stagflation

Published by Philippe Herlin | Dec 9, 2021 | 19140

The Danish bank, Saxo Bank, has become famous for publishing every year a series of ten "outrageous predictions" that are supposed to profoundly change our societies in the coming year. The exercise is difficult and these predictions rarely come true. But they have the merit of pointing out probl...

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Evil Is The Root Of All Fiat Money

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Dec 3, 2021 | 10512

Since every currency system in history has collapsed, it is quite a certain bet that this one will too. For the few who have savings, wealth preservation in physical gold and silver is essential as insurance against yet another failed currency and financial system.

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